Choral music performed by itself is glorious. But when it is combined with exceptional instrumentalists it becomes transcendent.
For our 2025 concert season, we open with a period performance of Vivaldi’s GLORIA, written for the women of the Venetian Ospedali where Vivaldii served as music director. We are excited to be joined by Tekla Cunningham, concert master and founder the Whidbey Island Music Festival and the new Seattle Bach Festival. Tekla has secured an all-female ensemble of Baroque style experts to perform with Mirinesse. We are thrilled to perform this work in its original setting.
The second half of our show includes more modern repertoire for treble voices, strings and piano. The title piece, ‘Holdfast’, is the name of a sea plant that attaches itself underwater to a rock, then ‘hunkers down’, and holds fast through storms, currents, tide and wind. We are reminded also to hold fast to what sustains us – singing together, our friends, the simple pleasures of life.
In “Song of the Universal’, the text by Walt Whitman focuses on the universal values of hope and peace and celebrates the dream of what America could be despite its faults perceived and yet to be revealed.
With this program that is rich in color and variety, Mirinesse Women’s Choir looks forward to sharing music that will uplift and sustain you.
See our concert dates and buy tickets here!